Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Debunking 3 Myths About Endodontics

Does the thought of a root canal procedure cause you anxiety and stress? You might have fallen victim to one of three endodontic myths in North Dallas. We get asked about these myths from our patients all the time, and the entire staff at Ayik + Berto North Dallas Endodontics want to clear the air. We want you to know the truth about this highly effective dental procedure. Needless to say, many individuals avoid having root canal therapy because of inaccurate and outdated myths like the 3 listed below:

●    Root canal therapy causes illnesses and infections – FALSE.  The idea that an endodontic procedure, such as a root canal can make you ill or cause an infection is based on faulty research and unproven theories from the early 1900s. As such, there isn’t any scientific evidence proving that illness and infection are linked to root canal therapy. In fact, root canal therapy often prevents or stops bad infections from forming.

●    Root canals are extremely painful – FALSE. The reality is that root canals relieve pain. While there may be some slight post-procedure discomfort, root canal therapy at Ayik + Berto North Dallas Endodontics is practically painless. Our doctors do this procedure so often. Their expertise combined with today’s advanced dental techniques and modern anesthesia makes the procedure no more painful than getting a filling.

●    Tooth extraction is the cost-effective alternative to a root canal procedure – TRUE (initially).  Granted, tooth extractions cost less than root canal procedures.  You’ll end up paying much more, in the long run, to replace any missing teeth with a bridge, dentures, or implants. Plus, you’d lose a tooth that could be saved. Having our original teeth makes a difference as teeth are often associated with self-esteem and overall wellbeing.

Ayik + Berto North Dallas Endodontics provides affordable endodontic procedures in North Dallas. It’s our mission to provide treatment and compassionate dental care to patients living in this area of north Texas. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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